At Turnditch CE Primary school throughout the curriculum we teach children about positive mental health and well-being through mindfulness sessions, assemblies and bespoke topics in our PSHE curriculum.
Please see our policy page to see out Mental Health and Well-being Policy for further information.
At Turnditch school we have a Mental Health First Aider: Mrs Seargent
We also have a Senior Mental Health Leader: Miss Bunn
If you have any questions or are worried about your child’s mental health the please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of staff in school who can point you in the direction of helpful advice and information or make a referral to other services if needed.
Emotional Health and Mental Well Being at Turnditch
Over the course of their education, children spend over 7,800 hours at school. With such a huge amount of time spent in the classroom, schools provide an ideal environment for promoting good emotional wellbeing and identifying early behaviour changes and signs of mental distress. The social and emotional skills, knowledge and behaviours that young people learn in the classroom can help them to build resilience and set the pattern for how they will manage their mental health throughout their lives. Emotional wellbeing is a clear indicator of academic achievement, success and satisfaction in later life. Evidence shows that mental health and wellbeing programmes in schools, can lead to significant improvements in children’s mental health, and social and emotional skills. Wellbeing provision in schools can also lead to reductions in classroom misbehaviour and bullying
At Turnditch we take emotional health and mental wellbeing very seriously. As a school we provide a wide range of activities that promote emotional health and mental well-being including forest school and wellbeing Wednesday sessions.
We follow the 5 Ways to Wellbeing
It’s never too early to start learning about good emotional health and wellbeing. It’s really important to find, and practice, positive ways of thinking as they can help you through life’s ups and downs.
There are some simple things that everyone can do that can help boost moods and keep you happy. They’re easy to do and don’t have to cost a penny. They’re known as the 5 ways to wellbeing, and they are:
Be active | More ideas |
Connect | More ideas |
Give | More ideas |
Keep learning | More ideas |
Take notice | More ideas |
Watch the Five Ways to Wellbeing video from Derbyshire County Council here.
See the Derbyshire County Council website for more information here.
Zones of Regulation
From EYFS, we are introducing The ZONES of Regulation, a concept designed by Leah Kuypers, a licensed occupational therapist. It enables the children to gain skills in the area of self-regulation. When we say self-regulation, we can also mean self-control, self-management, and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation.
Anti- Bullying
Our anti-bullying policy is to ensure that children learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be taken seriously and recorded and dealt with as soon as possible by the member of staff who has been approached. If deemed to be bullying, the teacher responsible will speak to the pupils involved. If the matter can be resolved in school without the need for parental contact then this will be done and monitored by appropriate member of staff, teacher responsible and Head of School. It may be decided that parents should be informed immediately and this will be done by the class teacher or Head of School. A written copy of events will be kept and this will be updated until the situation has been resolved.
Medicine is only administered in accordance with the school’s policy. Please discuss any medical needs with the Head of School or Office Staff.
Safeguarding Children
Any concerns about a child’s welfare are taken extremely seriously and all staff and volunteers are aware of our child protection policy and procedures. For more information on Safeguarding click here.
Government Mental Health Resources
Please click on the picture link to access the resources.
Every Mind Matters Mind Plan
As a parent or carer, looking after your own wellbeing is also important and Every Mind Matters enables you to get tailored wellbeing support. Use the Mind Plan to see what works for you: https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/mental-wellbeing-tips/your-mind-plan-quiz/
Please press the links below for some helpful contacts and links for supporting your child’s mental health and well-being.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Government Guidance
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools
Behaviour Support Service Connection Resource
Here are some useful leaflets on some aspects of Mental Health
Anxiety self help from CBT Perspective
Talking Mental Health parent leaflet
Here are some useful activities to help with anxiety
Worry story worry box plus exercises