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Turnditch CE Primary School

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School Meals

Turnditch School Meals

Our tasty school dinners are freshly produced, made on site by Derbyshire County Council School Meals Service. Our excellent caterer (Ms Cooper) prides herself in knowing all our children and as a result, school dinners are extremely popular. There are two different menus across the year, one ‘Summer’ and the other ‘Winter’. Within these there is a three weekly cycle of meals. Alongside two main meal choices there are also the options of a jacket potato, toasted baguette or pasta pot.

The menu can be found here:


In addition, our catering team will also run special themed days – look out for these on the menu and cater for special dietary requirements (please see HERE for further information).

Costs and Ordering Meals for your Child

All children in Reception, years one and two, qualify for the government’s Universal Free School Meal. Once your child reaches year three meals are charged at £3.25 a day, £16.25 a week (September 2024).

Meals are ordered and paid for via a Parent Pay account. The information needed to set this up will be provided by school, to all new starters.

Meals can be ordered for several weeks in advance, although there must be enough credit on the account for all the meals ordered for KS2 children. You may order meals exactly as it suits you and your child or send them with a packed lunch from home on any other day. The only proviso is that a meal order should be placed at least a day in advance. However, short notice orders are possible, if you contact the school office via telephone or by emailing  enquiries@turnditch.derbyshire.sch.uk to make your request.

If you think that your family may be eligible for Free School Meals please contact the school office on 01773 550304 or email enquiries@turnditch.derbyshire.sch.uk.

Charging and Remissions Policy including the School Meal Debt Protocol can be found HERE.